Financial reward in the commercial production of macadamias begins with first class nursery stock. Thus, Privamnuts have a modern macadamia nursery that has over 100,000 Macadamia seedlings. The state of the art nursery is located near Embu Airstrip.
We grow macadamia seedlings on vegetatively propagated clonal, as well as seedling rootstocks. We use specialized techniques to assist in the promotion of geotropic roots and we guarantee bench-root free trees.
Privamnuts is one of the few macadamia nuts processing and exporting companies in the country. The supply of raw materials (nuts) is limited and thus there is stiff competition for the available nuts among the processors. To support its expanding processing capacity, Privamnuts has positioned itself as the preferred processor of choice for the farmers.
Among the many possible ways of building a good relationship with the farmers is to provide them with planting material (seedlings) at an affordable price wherever they require them, giving them the technical backup on the best production methods.
Organic products are quite popular in the market and fetch premium prices. It is also preferable to practice organic production right from the nursery to the farms. A better price for the produce is will encourage the farmers to increase their production areas and become committed to supplying Privamnuts.
Above all, Privamnuts will create more employment opportunities both at the processing plant and the farms. This will go a long way in developing a vibrant rural economy and uplifting the living standards of the farming communities.